Petr Sedmera Award
Competition conditions and rules:
1. Eligible papers should be concerned with work on application or methodology development of NMR spectroscopy. Any method leading to elucidation of structure and dynamics of substances can be used with the main emphasis on experimental scope of the work and the use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
2. Only corresponding author with permanent address (affiliation) in the Czech Republic can enter the competition.
3. One corresponding author can only submit one published work per competition year.
4. Competing work must be submitted before the due date which for year 2017 falls on February 15, 2019.
5. To be eligible, the submitted paper must be published within the last three years (i.e. for awards of 2017 papers must be published in 2016 – 2019). With published is for the sake of competition meant work with complete bibliographical data (year, issue, volume number, page) or work that is already publically available in its final form on a webpage of the given scientific journal.
6. Work that has competed in previous years can be entered repeatedly with the exception of already awarded contributions.
7. Review articles are not accepted in the competition.
8. Papers that fulfil formal criteria will be passed on to members of the evaluation committee. Based on their assessment the winning work will be chosen and given the Petr Sedmera award. Financial reward and a diploma are comprised in the award. The prize is thus given to the “winning publication” (diploma formulation) and an origin of the diploma is given to every co-author of the publication.
9. An awards ceremony will be held at the 34th Central European NMR Meeting that will proceed in Valtice on 31.3. - 3.4. 2019 (
10. The financial reward is accepted by the corresponding author who decides about its division among the co-authors. The corresponding author is also asked to give an oral presentation on the winning paper at the 34th Central European NMR Meeting in Valtice or can delegate this possibility to any of the co-authors.
11. Competing article should be sent as an attachment to the following address:
Ing. Marek Kuzma, Ph.D.
One single sponsor will be connected with the Petr Sedmera award this year. The logo and connecting sponsor information will be announced at, in SSJMM Bulletin, AS CR etc.